TVCOG staff will get back to you within 3-5 business days with our recommendations via email. We look forward to helping you make your dream project a reality.
Please note: As these services are individualized, pricing and timing estimates vary depending on the member’s request. Consulting is available at an hourly rate ranging from $40/hour to $100/hour depending on the subject matter. Detailed service estimates are provided within 3-5 business days of submission. There is a one hour minimum for consultations. Payment is due in full before services are rendered.
Scheduling varies depending on consulting; and consultations may take place anywhere up to a month after your invoice is paid. COG members will put in direct contact with their consultant in order to arrange scheduling after payment has been received. Scheduling varies depending on consultant’s availability; consultations may take place anywhere up to a month after your invoice is paid.
There are no refunds or cancellations after payment has been submitted; rescheduling must be negotiated with the consultant.