Laser Cutter 101: Engraved Light-Up Acrylic Sign

Learn the basics of laser cutting. Ages 14+. April 5, 2-4pm

Image of Illuminated Acrylic SignThis class is geared towards beginning laser cutter makers or those looking for a refresher. Participants will learn safe laser cutter operation and the basics of designing for the laser cutter and go home with a battery-powered illuminated acrylic sign of their own design. Students are encouraged to bring simple art they would like to engrave/cut, but sample shapes and signs will be provided.

The registration fee includes all materials. This course also qualifies as the Laser Cutter Safety Orientation required for CoG Members. Participants must be 14 or older. Parents/guardians required to stay in the building with any participant under 18 years old.

Registration Fee: $50 COG Members | $70 Non-Members

Registration & Cancellation policies: These group classes require sufficient enrollment to proceed at the listed price. Advanced registration closes 1 week before the class date; late registrations incur a $10 fee. Cancellations must be made at least 1 week prior in order to qualify for a refund, unless due to illness.

Class Discounts & Financial Aid: TVCOG offers full and partial discounts on classes for individuals with demonstrated financial need. Please fill out a request form here. Requests should be submitted at least 5 days prior to the class date.

April 5th, 2025 from  2:00 PM to  4:00 PM
Tech Valley Center of Gravity
30 Third Street
Troy, NY 12180
United States
Phone: 518-244-3544
Class Fee(s)
Non-Members Rate $70.00

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